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Department of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences

Sep 23, 2022  Hits:

The Department of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences has an excellent teaching and research team, with 1 professor, 7 associate professors and 3 lecturers. The Department undertakes the undergraduate training task of Engineering Mechanics and the teaching task of Fluid Mechanics for other engineering majors at the College. The members of our Department have undertaken a lot of research projects funded by the government and industries, and have generated outstanding scientific research achievements. Engineering Mechanics, founded in 1981, is a brand major of Shanxi Province and the first batch of first-class construction majors of Shanxi Province. Relying on the first-class Doctoral Program of Mechanics, the Postdoctoral Mobile Research Station of Mechanics and the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Engineering Mechanics, the Department is committed to the training of scientific research and engineering talents in mechanics. After 30 years' development, the Department has trained nearly 1,000 outstanding mechanics talents represented by the winners of "Outstanding Youth Science Fund".



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